Refund Policy

Return Policy

If you are dissatisfied with the product you received for any reason, you may send it back within 30 days of receiving for your refund. All return items must be in their original condition and packaging. Please include a slip with your Order ID number, full name and reason for return inside the return package.

If 30 days have gone by since you received the items, unfortunately Vacaci Colletion™ cannot offer you a refund or exchange. Vacaci Colletion™ also does not provide a refund for returned products that are damaged due to misuse, lack of care, mishandling, accident, abuse or other abnormal use.

Any international or expedited shipping fees incurred on your original order will NOT be refunded. We recommend that you ship your returned products to us via a trackable shipment method. Customers outside the United States are responsible for paying customs fees, including, but not limited to, taxes, duties and brokerage.

All Sale & Promotional Items are final and are not eligible for Return & Exchange.

Typically within 7-12 business days of receiving your returned product, Vacaci Colletion™ will credit the amount paid for the returned product (less any shipping costs/expenses related to the original purchase, which are non-refundable) to the payment method you used to make the original purchase.

If you haven’t received a refund yet, please check your bank or credit card account again. Then contact your credit card company. It may take some time before your refund is officially posted.


You acknowledge and agree that goods produced by us for you are bespoke, custom-made goods and orders are processed quickly after they are received. We do not allow cancellations after 24 hours when an order is placed.


Please contact our customer service with your Order ID number to initiate an exchange. Exchanges can only be made for items that are equal or lesser in value than the original purchase item.

Please include a slip with your Order ID number, full name and clearly indicate the product name and info of the exchange item. We will reship the order free of charge and email you once the exchange has been made.


We offer a 2-year manufacturer’s limited warranty on all our inflatable paddle boards.

Conditions that are not covered by the warranty

  • Cosmetic flaws or variations in colors due to humidity.
  • Damaged caused by airplane transport
  • Damaged caused by rocks or anything rigid.
  • Any puncture, cut or abrasion sustained in normal use or damage from unreasonable uses or improper storage.
  • Damage caused by extreme weather or environmental conditions.
  • Damage caused by accident, neglect, improper use or handling.
  • Products used for commercial or rental purposes.
  • Products that have been lost or stolen.
  • Products owned by someone who’s not the original buyer.
  • Damaged caused by fire, car accident etc. 

60 days Manufacturer’s warranty : 

  • Shaft Paddle
  • Dual action air pump
  • Leashes
  • Backpacks